Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Back on Track...

So sorry for the delay in updating the blog, September has been a bit hectic for us here at the barn.  Between vacations and school starting back we had a lot of juggling to do, but it seems now that we are getting out of those last lazy days of summer and into the swing of things we will be a tad more organized for fall ; )  Soooo, just to keep everyone in the loop we are going to be closed this Saturday (September 17th) but the following (September 24th) will be a sale day.  In the meantime, we have a lot of shopping to do and we will be getting the barn all decked out for the season.  If anyone has a specific item that they have been on the lookout for, feel free to comment and we will add it to our wish list.  For those who don't know, we have a wish list at the barn where our customers can jot down items that they have been wanting and their contact info and if we come across them while shopping we buy them for the barn and let them know we found their wish list item!  That way they can come to our sale and see if it is exactly what they wanted and purchase if they'd like.  Good idea right?   I will be posting pics of new items as we get them in, so stay tuned because we have lots of cute ideas brewing for halloween!
Until then,